Posts Tagged ‘Postmodern’

Welcome Back

May 5th?  That was a long time ago.  2011 was still driving around his fire engine red Corvette, but has now taken his long white beard into retirement after handing the baton to an unsuspecting cherub.

I recently logged into my personal Facebook account (as opposed to the ministry one I use every day), and I immediately received an e-mail which I assumed to be from Mark Zuckerberg himself under the subject, “Welcome back to Facebook”.  Part of me felt good when I read it, after all our benevolent overlords were looking down on me and smiling.  That part of me was proud, ready to go out and serve my social network (forgetting for the moment that I also carry a Google+ passport).

The rest of me was both confused and a little bit sad.  Confused as in, “Has it really been this long since I signed into Facebook for my own amusement?”  Sad as in, “Has it really been this long since I signed into Facebook for my own amusement?”  This just goes to show how bad of a millennial I really am.

If I were preaching, this is where I would begin my cogitation on how everybody is welcome and invited, no matter how long absent, into the Body of Christ.  It wouldn’t be a bad way to go if I were preaching, but I don’t feel like making that cheesy of a transition today.  Not that I am opposed to online cheese.  See all of my other posts for evidence.

All I really want to say is that it has been a long time since I posted anything, but I enjoy this, as, I am sure, do my millions of fans.  (I can only assume WordPress’ hit counter contracts its numbers by six powers of ten for convenience sake.)  I like writing about baseball among other sports, I like writing about theology, and I am not convinced that there is anything else in the world worth writing about.

Also, this is one of my New Year’s resolutions (or, being a good postmodern, the goals that I happened to set while the sun was shining on what the rest of society calls January 1st).  I’m behind on the rest of them–except, surprisingly, early though it may be, the “Lose 50 pounds” one–so I might as well start from behind on this one, which I originally set at two posts per week.  I read my 350 pages last week, but it looks like I may not reach 700 by Saturday.  I don’t really know much more Italian now than I did on December 31st.  And 11 days into the year, here is my first post.

But fret not, I will return again soon, within days if not hours.

Ciao belli.